Akash Enterprises is dedicated and committed to providing its customers and the ultimate consumer the electrical services in the buildings, factories, residential areas with consistent quality and timely delivery, in line with customer requirements and satisfaction. Strive to meet or exceed customer expectations and objectives of all stakeholders, whilst enhancing value for all stakeholders.
Establish an integrated management system including Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) objectives for continual improvement of services. Regularly review the effectiveness of management system Provides an environment that fosters openness, trust, mutual respect, enthusiasm, innovation and empowerment among all personnel with a team approach Prevent pollution, use energy and natural resources efficiently and optimally Prevent occupational hazards, protect the health of the interested parties by maintaining a safe and secure place of work.
As a responsible corporate citizen, we strive to fulfill all obligations to society while complying with all legal and other applicable statutory requirements.